

PULUT KELAMAI Rice Cake in Bamboo



Beras Pulut 餅米 2kg

Beras biasa 白米 1kg

Gula Pasir グラニュー糖 5oz

Gula Merah ブラウンシュガー 5oz

Kelapa Parut すりおろしたココナッツ 1 kg

Bambu Muda 若い竹 1 節

Daun pandan パンダンの葉(ニオイタコノキ) 一枚


1、Rendam Berau Pulut( 2 kg) ngau berau am at( 1 kg) Pengelama 2jam.

  餅米(2k g)と白米(1 k g)を2 時間水に浸す

2、Berau di jembi ndak lama udahnyak di tutuk nyadi tepung.


3、Siap ke lnyak  Parut 1kg.


4、Siap ke gula pasir(50ns) ngau gula metah (50ns).

  グラニュー糖(5oz) とブラウンシュガー(5oz) を用意する

5、Siap ke sitek ruas muda.

  若い竹を1 節用意する

6、Campur magang bahan alam site endur udahnya girau sampai becampur.


7、Udahnyak, simpan alam ruas tutup nggau daun pandan.


8、Panggang bak atas barak api sampai mansau.


9、Te udah mansau, kupas kulit luar ruas. Udahnya tau di sadung.


The stories shared here have been published with the hope that they will inspire others who are facing similar obstacles in their own communities and wondering if there is anything they can do to help.

Cultural plagiarism and exploitation through commercialization are often unconscious. If you wish to make use of any of the stories, people, objects, or culture in the articles, please respect each other and create a pleasant relationship, such as asking the person to confirm the use or cultural appropriation.

We hope that we can exchange information, encourage each other, and move forward together hand in hand as colleagues working to solve problems for the creation of a better society, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, or field.
Thank you, and enjoy the reading!