INANCHILA – Sacred rice pastry/rice cake –

- Natuktuk un Chaykot Powdered glutinous heirloom rice
- Lachok Coconut curd
- Inti Brown Sugar/Muscovado
- Asin Salt
- Chanum Water
- Iyug Coconut
- Luchog Coconut Milk

- Vanga Clay Pot
- Taung Orchid leaves
- Jarpong (manutuwan) Cooking stove

- Lichugan nan tinampuk un chaykot
Put enough water and gradually mix the powdered glutinous rice.
- Vumakrung hi a kit, ed igga nan taung
Scoop about 2 tablespoons and put in Taong leaves.
- Laliyon ta akit
Roll a little bit to form a roll stick.
- Pitpitan, ed pinulma isun chi chila
Press to flatten.
- llpot ed kinupi
Wrap and fold the leaves.
- Nu maamin mavussung, ipinpin hin vanga
After wrapping, put in a pot in a perfect stock.
- lsur-ot, ed iyuto sinulas
Cook for at least one hour.
- Nu nauto, okkoyon ta mavaw-an
Remove from the fire and let it cool.
- Okron un sinossa
Take them out of the pot and hang to remove excess water.
- Nu mavaw-an, upikan
After 30 minutes if it’s cool enough to handle, unwrap/remove the leaves wrapper.
- Ed isawsaw hi lachok
Soak it in the pre-prepared coconut curd.
- lyayeg ta kanon
Serve as a snack or desert.
The stories shared here have been published with the hope that they will inspire others who are facing similar obstacles in their own communities and wondering if there is anything they can do to help.
Cultural plagiarism and exploitation through commercialization are often unconscious. If you wish to make use of any of the stories, people, objects, or culture in the articles, please respect each other and create a pleasant relationship, such as asking the person to confirm the use or cultural appropriation.
We hope that we can exchange information, encourage each other, and move forward together hand in hand as colleagues working to solve problems for the creation of a better society, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, or field.
Thank you, and enjoy the reading!